Thursday, September 22, 2011

WHITE frog?

So many might find this strange but it my neighborhood, when there is something cool going on, I often get a call or a knock on the door to get my camera.  Yes, I'm the "crazy camera lady" of the neighborhood.  I wear the title proudly.  This is one of those instances.  My neighbor down the road rattled on my door asking me to "Come quick and oh!  Bring the camera!"
Throwing my apron to the side (I was making cookies). Off I run with flour all over me, from a minor flour explosion incident, some dressy but quick accessible shoes and my camera.  I have lived in Frizzleburg, PA all my life and I had never seen what he was about to show me.
Right there sitting on his white railing was a white frog.  He went on to tell me that the frog changes colors, much like a chameleon depending on where he is perched on at the moment.

Honestly I thought for a moment that the neighbor was playing a trick on me.  Perhaps he had just painted this railing and the frog had gotten into it.  But after my quick CSI investigation, I realized the railing was dry and the frogs color was too perfect to have been applied by this guy next door.  So immediately I started snapping away.  He mentioned that they don't touch him, he lives around their porch area and seems to be quite happy there.  While cookies were baking I looked up this interesting frog online.   According to this websiteGray Tree Frog (Hyla versicolor): This little guy (less than 2 inches) can change from grey to brown to green rather quickly to match his surroundings. Makes a trilling sound ... like a turkey.

Wow, who knew?  Be on the look out for one in your yard. 

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