Friday, August 12, 2011

Bryan's birthday cake

Back before the wedding when life was crazy.  Someone mentioned to me "Are you making a groom's cake?"  I said no, I don't have the time.  I asked Bry if he would be upset.  He said jokingly..."Yes, I want a cake that looks like Melvin."  :)  Melvin is his dog. Well since that was out of the question at that time it went to the wayside.  Now Bryan's birthday is on the 24th of this month.  Because of scheduling issues we decided to have a few friends over to celebrate tomorrow evening. With all of this in mind I thought it might be fun to make a Melvin cake for his birthday without him knowing.  Now, I am artistic but cake making/decorating is not my forte.  So I decided to enlist a former student from Neshannock to assist me in this task.  Since I thought it might be a little strange to just invite her over, I invited a few of my other students too.  Well let's just say the cake making began.  Take a look at the photos.  I don't mean to toot our own horn but I think we did pretty amazing.


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